Sunday, February 8, 2009

Our Vision

We are here in the Philippines to help Ptr. Paul Hernandez grow the F.R.E.E. Mission Philippines organization by.....

1. Helping to teach and train the F.R.E.E. Mission pastors and leaders.
2. Helping to plant churches in the rural areas.
3. Doing outreach and healing festivals with the churches.
4. Starting schools in these areas.

By teaching the pastors and leaders we are able to challenge and encourage them to be a blessing to their churches and communities. We are also able to give them tools for outreach and discipleship.

Through teaching and discipleship we are able to send out new pastors into unreached areas to start churches.

Through outreach and healing festivals we are able to help the churches grow and be a blessing to their communities.

By starting schools and working with the young people in these communities the families see God's blessing in helping educate their children resulting in church growth.